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Omega Planet Ocean series was so popular in the world, it even has good performance in the movie 007, which has left deep impression to us accompanying with this exciting action movie. Today I am going to recommend a perfect replica of this series. Since it with advanced technology, cool matching color, dynamic appearance as the genuine. So I believe that you may fall in love with such perfect chronograph definitely.This replica Omega contains with key factors in its whole structure. Of cause, ceramic plays an important role in this replica. Its diameter was 45mm, and it case was made of solid 316 stainless steel, matched with a black ceramic bezel, Arabic numerals and scales in front of us clearly . Bezel can be hit easily when diving, but the hard ceramic can protect it from damage effectively. It was really an ideal material of bezel. In its black dial, we can see that six, nine,twelve this three Arabic numeral markers with orange coating, which can catch our eye at the first time with such bright color. Besides,the markers and scales has coated with super luminous so that can help diver read their diving time easily. The minute hand and bezel with green luminous, markers and hour hand will appear anther color, blue. With different color in luminous so as to distinguish easily. Diver can distinguish diving time and normal time quickly. That design was so considerate because this function was so important to diver. I think it was rather necessary to concern about their safety. The date display window was set in the palace of three o’clock, it was so clear since it with white big number and black background to create striking contrast in visual effect.

Talking about watches and inspiration can spawn some pretty interesting debates, and for good reason – especially in the dive watch category. Of course, early dive watches weren’t “inspired by” anything; dive watches were tools created with a very distinct purpose. That said, as the years went on and the dive watch category moved away from practical utility towards desirable daily-wearers, design inspiration soon came into play. Today we’re looking at luxury watches inspired by the ocean, and digging into the stories behind the creation of each piece and how they relate to the big blue beyond.As mentioned above, there is no reason to go into a Rolex Submariner history lesson here; however, the Rolex Sea-Dweller Deepsea with D-Blue dial (a variant of the original Deepsea that was first unveiled in 2008) has a very distinct connection to our world’s deepest waters.The origins of this piece come from Rolex’s involvement in (read: sponsorship of) James Cameron’s deep dive into the Mariana Trench. Though not limited in production, the piece is commemorative of the 2012 dive, and features a gradient blue to black dial that mimics the loss of light as one descends into the ocean’s depths. Additionally, the green chosen for the DEEPSEA text on its dial is matched to the color of Cameron’s Deepsea Challenger Submarine that took a prototype Rolex watch all the way down into the trench affixed to one of its robotic arms.The legacy of Jacques-Yves Cousteau is unparalleled in the world of underwater exploration, and many years ago (back in 2004 to be precise), IWC decided to become a partner of the Cousteau Society – a non-profit organization looking to continue the initiatives set out by Jacques-Yves several decades prior. From the onset of the partnership, IWC has included special limited-edition Aquatimer models in their collections, with a portion of the proceeds of each watch headed towards the organization.Of their bigger undertakings, Cousteau’s famed research vessel (named ‘Calypso’) was raised from the sea floor after sinking on account of an incident in Singapore in 1996. Progress on Calypso has been slow-going, and a fire on the ship while docked in Turkey two years ago has slowed things further. Naturally, there are rumors swirling that a redesign of the IWC Aquatimer line across the board will appear in conjunction with the vessel’s unveiling.







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